There are many student opportunities offered within our office and across campus. We encourage students to explore what aligns with their interests to get the most our of their college experience as possible. Honors Research Study Abroad Awards & Scholarships Econ Ambassadors Economics Club illini Women in Economics Omicron Delta Epsilon Career Services Illinois Economics Consulting AcademicsPh.D. ProgramMaster of Science: Policy EconomicsUndergraduate ProgramWhat is Economics?Learning OutcomesAcademic AdvisingMajors & MinorMSPE 4+1 TrackCourse SubstitutionsGraduation (Degree Completion)Proficiency ExamsCourses & RegistrationProspective StudentsAccepted New StudentsStudy AbroadAcademic & Student SupportStudent OpportunitiesBuilding SkillsEcon Student GroupsAdditional Student GroupsResearchHonorsCareer ServicesEventsConnect with us!Transfer Course InformationAwards & ScholarshipsEcon AmbassadorsCourses & RegistrationSeminarsConvocation (Graduation)Career Services