Years in the Department:
1968-2017; Emeritus 2017-present
Research Interest:
Health Economics
Richard Arnould came to the University of Illinois in 1967, joining the faculty of the Department of Economics as Associate Professor. He completed his PhD at Iowa State University in 1968.
Initially, Professor Arnould's field of specialization was Industrial Organization and Policy, including government regulation, and banking and business policy. His last 25 years of study was devoted to the field of Health Economics. At the time, Professor Arnould was expected to modernize Industrial Organization by integrating theoretical and empirical components. He moved his research interests from the application of Industrial Organization to issues in Health Economics where his research in competitive healthcare reforms has had impacts in many areas, including HMO’s, hospital mergers, and childhood vaccines.
Professor Arnould was a contributor to the volume,“Competitive Approaches to Health Policy Reform,” a compilation of research papers produced by leading Health Economists in the early 1990's.
From 1996-2003, he would serve as Head of the Department of Economics. He would lead the department with very productive recruiting, hiring some 30% new faculty from varying sub-disciplines. In addition, the department received a substantial increase in endowment funds and the faculty was awarded substantive grant monies.
After his retirement in 2003, Richard Arnould founded and later served as the first Executive Director of the American Society of Health Economists, the premier health economics association in the United States. A devoted leader in his field, Richard Arnould continues to this day to drive Health Economics toward bettering the lives of others and a future of promise and hope.
Iowa State University, 1968
- "The Nature and Consequences of Provider Consolidations in the U.S. ," with L. DeBrock and H. Radach, in B. Ferguson, J. Posnett, and T. Sheldon, eds. , Concentration and Choice in Health Care Markets, Churchill Livingston, 1997.
- "Federal Antitrust Merger Enforcement Standards: A Good Fit for the Hospital Industry?" with G. Bazzoli, D. Marx, and l. Manheim, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (1995).
- "The Application of Economic Theory to the Vaccine Market," in Mark V. Pauly, ed. , The Economics of Vaccine Policy, IOS Press, 1995.
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